Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Rocks Rock! And so do minerals

Room 23 had a great rock investigation yesterday. We closely examined different rock/mineral samples with magnifying glasses and described in scientific detail what each looked like. It was a great hands-on science class that I am looking forward to doing with Room 14 soon.

Track & Field Thursday

The unpredictable weather is.......unpredictable. So, do not assume because it is raining in the morning that Track & Field will be cancelled Thursday. As far as we know, it is still on. So, be sure to come prepared, just in case. The rain date is set for next Thursday if necessary.

What's Up! Heritage May 16, 2013

Silent Movie Time!!!

Wow! It's that time of year again. It's so exciting to see how well the students work in their groups to create storyboards for their silent movies. There are a whole lot of great ideas coming out, which just goes to show you how creative kids can be. Today, we started production on a film that Cameron and I worked on. We did this so that the other students could see how the process of putting their ideas from their storyboards will look when we actually film them. There is a lot of things that they did not realize they would have to think about and this sparked some interesting discussions. I'm looking forward to producing all of their wonderful ideas and then showcasing them at our annual film festival in mid-June.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

What's Up! Heritage May 16, 2013

Tech time with Kinders

Do you know why tech buddies is important for both grade groups?
First off, the older kids get a chance to help the Kinders which makes them feel successful and happy. Room 14 enjoys teaching the Kinders all they know about technology.
Sometimes it gets silly, but for the most part they are both learning a lot. 
Second, its great for both age groups to work yogether, especially the Kinders who look up to the older kids. 
Today, they helped the Kinders with Kids Pix and a great website called ABCYA.  
We had a lot of fun working and learning with our younger friends. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

TIA with Harmony Parent

Not only is it awesome that her name is Harmony and she is a TIA artist who specializes in songwriting....but she's awesome too! We had such a fantastic first session with Harmony Parent today. I will try to post some pictures of tomorrow's session. We have almost completed our remarkably cool song and it sounds astounding! Keep posted for more updates on our TIA experience during term 3. To see some of Harmony's previous work, check out her Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/user/HarmonyiacKids?feature=watch