Wednesday, 24 April 2013

SJSD Youth Forum

What a great day at the SJSD Youth Forum year end windup. The KARE Team had a lot of fun and learned a lot from the Me to We leaders, as well as, the other schools throughout the division. The amount of things that were accomplished this year in our small school division was amazing! I'm especially proud of our KARE Team members who did an excellent job presenting first!

Well done Heritage!

Friday, 5 April 2013

A long time a music room far, far away

The kids are learning the theme song to Star Wars on recorder. It was really cool to hear them practicing in the halls. Check out the girls performing at our YouTube channel

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Fun With Science!

Today we had a successful science period with both Grade 4/5 classes. It was exciting to see the anticipation on the students faces when we began the "Elephant Toothpaste" experiment which had failed earlier in the year. Mrs. M had made a perfect volcano for our foam to shoot out of in a very limited time. As we added each ingredient the kids became more excited. finally worked! After the first successful trial we tried another one in a clear container for the kids to see. It was a lot of fun!